Übersichtlich aufgereihtes Zubehör zur Anbringung von PV Modulen

Mounting kits

6 products

    Mounting kits for your balcony power plant

    With our mounting kits for balcony power plants The installation of your new balcony power plant is child's play: Instead of spending a lot of time planning and assembling the necessary assembly material, you save time and stress with our tried and tested assembly sets. All components of the assembly sets are coordinated with each other so that installation is possible without any difficulties.

    Depending on where you want to install your balcony power plant, simply choose the right balcony power plant installation set from our range. We offer variants for installation on balconies, tiled roofs, flat roofs and for installation in open spaces.

    6 products
    Produktbild für ein Bitum-Trapezdach Montagesystem 2H PV Modul
    Bitum trapezoidal roof mounting system 2H PV module
    Produktbild für ein Ziegeldach Montagesystem 2Q PV Module
    tile roof mounting system 2Q PV modules
    Produktbild für ein Bitum-Trapezdach Montageset 2Q PV Modul
    Bitum trapezoidal roof mounting set 2Q PV module
    Produktbild für ein Bitum-Trapezdach Montageset 1H PV Modul
    Bitum trapezoidal roof mounting set 1H PV module
    Produktbild für ein Ziegeldach Montagesystem 2H PV Module
    tile roof mounting system 2H PV modules
    Produktbild für ein Ziegeldach Montagesystem 1H PV Module
    tile roof mounting system 1H PV modules