Mitarbeiter von alu-verkauf an der Säge beim Zuschneiden von alu profilen. ✓ alu onlineshop ✓ aluminium profile kaufen

Ideas workshop

Profiles and panels made of aluminum have proven themselves in a wide variety of applications. This is due in particular to three properties of the material: its low weight, its good strength values ​​and its good corrosion resistance. In addition, it is easy to process.

Please find attached some examples of the use of aluminum plates and profiles. We would also like to report on your project here. Please contact

Ideas and inspiration for new projects

Aluminium im Frühling

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Gartenbank-Bausatz aus Aluminium

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DIY-Projekt: Monitorerhöhung für das ergonomische Homeoffice

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Die Rasenkante aus Aluminium

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Idee - Volksfräse VF-1

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Idee - outdoor küche selber bauen

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Idee - Regal bauen

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Idee - Ausbau VW Bus

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Idee - poolüberdachung selbst bauen

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